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Unmatched value
Co-op Supreme Mineral formulation is based on Tennessee forage research
By Todd Steen, ProTrition Ruminant Nutritionist
When providing for grass-fed cattle’s animal metabolism and function — such as immune system health, reproduction performance, bone development, nerve activity, and muscle contraction — it is critical to consider vitamin/mineral supplementation. Although mineral intake is usually minimal, overall well-being and performance is hindered without these essential nutrients.
At least 17 minerals are required by beef cattle with 10 being trace minerals. There is scarce evidence suggesting importance of any other minerals. The seven macrominerals include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, and sulfur, while the 10 microminerals include chromium, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc. The specific requirement of these nutrients is based on an animal’s weight, breed, and production life cycle. Other factors affecting that requirement are based on mineral bioavailability and potential antagonists of other minerals.
While many mineral supplements are available in the Southeast, few are specifically formulated to complement Tennessee forages. In 2003, Tennessee Farmers Cooperative participated in an extensive two-year mineral survey conducted by the University of Tennessee. Findings were reported in The Professional Animal Scientist 19:286-289 in an article entitled “Two-Year Mineral Survey Reveals Deficiencies & Imbalances in Tennessee Tall Fescue.” The research provided expansive nutrient information based on typical forages grown in our state. The study identified critical deficiencies of required minerals, pinpointing the need for proper formulation of supplements to meet the needs of our cattle.
Based on this research, Co-op Supreme Mineral was formulated to provide the appropriate levels of vitamins and minerals for Tennessee cattle. The formulation addresses the requirements of bovine that consume typical Southeast forages. The formulation is not based on national nutrient profiles.
Adjustments have been made to include increases in zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, and cobalt, which play a large role in economically influencing cattle performance and well-being. Co-op Supreme Minerals do not utilize oxide, sulfate, or carbonate sources of trace minerals and are only formulated with amino acid complexes, organics (ZinproTM), EDDI (Ethylene Diamine Dihydriodide — a supplemental source of iodine that is a crucial component in livestock nutrition — and chloride sources. Also, selenium, which is shown to be deficient with Southeastern forages, contains 50% supplementation from an organic selenium source.
Since Southeast forages are deficient of many minerals, investing in properly formulated minerals is essential to the needs of our cattle.
Cattle require zinc, a trace mineral, in somewhat larger amounts due to its vast uses for basal metabolism. Functions include improved immune responses, improved colostrum quality (based on increased immunoglobulin concentration), reduced services per conception, improved hoof integrity/skin/epithelial tissue, improved gut motility, and numerous enzyme functions.
Cobalt is another important trace mineral included in the formulation. It’s essential for cattle to produce B-vitamin, specifically vitamin B12, which is required for fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Vitamin B12 contains at least 4.5% cobalt which makes most other mineral supplements’ cobalt concentration inadequate to illicit any type of animal response. The addition of too much cobalt is equally damaging as too little, a critical point when formulating mineral consumed in the Southeast. Co-op Supreme Mineral is Zinpro-verified for zinc and cobalt, giving assurance of proper formulation. Additionally, applicable amounts of copper and manganese from Zinpro products are also included, making Co-op Supreme Mineral unique, exclusive, and unmatched in the Southeast. Co-op Supreme Mineral is fortified within a 100g per head/day feeding rate (3.53 ozs.) making it highly economical and valuable.
While one specific vitamin/mineral supplement may not produce ultimate performance on a year-round basis, targeting the animal’s need has become standard. As an example, during lush pasture growth, providing a high-magnesium mineral has been shown to reduce or eliminate grass tetany conditions. Co-op Supreme High-Magnesium Mineral is formulated the same as already mentioned within a 113g per head/day feeding rate (4 ozs.).
Since Southeast forages are deficient of many minerals, investing in properly formulated minerals is essential to the needs of our cattle.
Contact your local feed representative for more information on the unmatched value of Co-op Supreme Mineral.